To: {{mailto}} From: {{mailfrom}} Subject: Order request for a 167-line 3-number-winning file received. {{email}} ordered a paid (${{amount}}) version of the 3-number-winning file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Order and Billing Information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Order ID: {{orderID}} Tracking ID: {{trackingID}} Payment System: {{payment_system}} Affiliate ID: {{affiliate_id}} First Name: {{first_name}} Last Name: {{last_name}} Org. Name: {{org_name}} Address1: {{address1}} Address2: {{address2}} Address3: {{address3}} City: {{city}} State: {{state}} Country: {{country}} Postal Code: {{postal_code}} Phone: {{phone}} Fax: {{fax}} Email: {{email}} Card Type: {{p_cc_type}} Exp Date: {{p_cc_exp}}